

Befarme is a digital agriculture start-up company that was established in 2021 with the support The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) 1512 program.

Energy and Climate Change


Artificial intelligence supported real-time inspection and warning system for cattle livestock farming.

Energy and Climate Change

Limak Technology

Within the scope of Digital Transformation and Sustainability targets, an umbrella system that collects previously launched and under development products in a central Identity and Access Management System.

Education and Research


Energy management and optimization, Green Certificate Market Cloud Application- Carbon Emission Trading and Analytical applications.

Energy and Climate Change


The system made in the project will work in CNC milling logic. A 6-axis robotic arm, which can access each plant thanks to the rail system, will grow the plants to be grown inside the cabinet shelves or on the floor of the plant growing facility.

Education and Research


By developing solutions for cleaning waste in the oceans, to contribute to the protection of ecosystems around the world and leave a sustainable ocean legacy for future generations.

Water Management


Solutions for smart city.

Education and Research

Trustformer Electric

Trustformer Electric is a reliable provider of instrument transformers (current and voltage) to B2B and B2G sectors, R&D support and production to a wide range of applications, including low, medium, and high voltage.

Education and Research


Developing nanoscale and microscale sensors for label-free identification of micro and nanoparticles.

Education and Research


Solving global problems in the world with our technologies; Protecting Marine Resources, Wildlife Conservation, Global Public Health, Environmental and Corporate Sustainability, Social Economic Development, Climate Crisis and Clean Energy and Education for Development.

Education and Research

Teknik Group

Agricultural irrigation tracking and control unit.

Water Management